We learned a lot from Chris the musician – attending his concerts when we could – watching him “reading” scores as if they were scripts from a book before transforming them with his baton and the orchestra into the magic of live music. We admired his capacity for research and the ease with which he could give a radio or TV interview. So much to admire – and miss. But as Anna's husband, we got to know the more relaxed side of him.
Our memories of Chris include enjoying his response to various performances at S.I.R.F. – an international festival of street theatre in Stockton. It was an event that until recently he never missed. He people watched. He loved the community involvement, the vibrancy and spectacle of the performances and the sillier, the more absurd the act, the more Chris enjoyed it. On a couple of occasions he unintentionally nearly became part of the acts himself. To see him convulsed in helpless tears of laughter was a sight to behold – and infectious. He never lost his ability to subvert or surprise with a quip or aside and a mischievous look in his eye. We will miss him.